Monday, November 14, 2011

6 Months

Brooks turned 6 months last month. I can hardly believe how fast time goes. He is such a good baby, rolling all over the place, smiling all the time, talking, playing with his toys, sitting up and laughing at his sister. She is his favorite person, he lights up when she comes into the room. Brooks is loving food and will eat whatever I give him. His appointment was somewhat of an adventure with Mia with us. We were all getting our flu shots and it was pretty crazy. Here are the stats:

Weight: 18.1 lbs (63%)
Length: 26.1 inches (41%)

Brooks you are an amazing addition to our family and we are so lucky to have your smiling face and cute personality. Thanks for making us all smile. We love you so much.

Which sport will he choose?

Maybe football (although watching my child's head get smashed in makes me a little nervous)

Love this chair!

Maybe soccer, I would absolutely love that. Whatever you choose I just want you to be happy and healthy that is all that matters in life. Love you little man!

1 comment:

  1. WOW - Love these pictures! Amy did a great job!!! Your little guy is so dang cute!


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About Me

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Kade and I met in high school. We have been married 6 years and we have a beautiful daughter Mia and son Brooks.